Teacher working with ākonga in a classroom
Teacher working with ākonga in a classroom
Becoming a teacher in New Zealand
Te tono rēhita kaiako, tiwhikete kaiako hoki

Applying for teacher registration and certification

Register as a teacher and apply for your practising certificate with the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand
Teacher working with ākonga in a classroom

Registration and certification is the way we make sure that all teachers are qualified and capable to teach in New Zealand.

What you need to do

To enter the teaching profession in New Zealand you need to register as a teacher and apply for a practising certificate with the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Apply for teaching registration and your practising certificate with the Teaching Council
Registration and certification launch

Contact information

For more information on teacher registration and certification, contact the Teaching Council.

Phone: +64 (0) 4 471 0852

