Secondary Teachers' Study Award and Support Grant
Upskill and develop your teaching career with a study award or support grant
Secondary Teachers’ Study Award
A Secondary Teachers’ Study Award gives you paid leave to complete part-time or full-time study in an educational priority area. It is a great opportunity to upskill and pursue an area of study you are interested in and passionate about. Each year, we offer 75 full-time teacher equivalent (FTTE) study award opportunities to secondary teachers in state or state-integrated schools.
Application period opening soon
Key study award information
- Complete a qualification
- Improve an existing qualification
- Study a qualification in a new or different curriculum area
- Undertake research
- Undertake study that is relevant and adds value to secondary education
- Gain practical knowledge and skill-related experience in your subject area.
To apply for a Secondary Teachers' Study Award, you must be:
- employed under the Secondary Teachers' Collective Agreement (STCA) or applicable individual employment agreement (IEA)
- a permanently appointed full-time or part-time teacher in a New Zealand state or state-integrated school
- a full-time long-term relieving or fixed-term teacher in a New Zealand state or state-integrated school.
Guidance counsellors covered by the STCA may apply. Fixed-term and long-term part-time relieving teachers and day relievers are not eligible to apply.
You cannot receive a study award at the same time as being appointed to a Kāhui Ako | Community Teacher (across community/schools) role. However, you may apply for an award provided the study entitlement is only used once you have finished the Kāhui Ako | Community Teacher role.
Study plan
You will need to give details about the qualification you are intending to work towards. This includes the:
- name of this qualification
- tertiary institution
- level of qualification (NZQA)
- paper code(s)
- paper title(s)
- credits/points
Written statement
Describe your proposed study, purpose of study award and how this furthers the Ministry of Education’s priorities in education.
Benefits of study
Outline the benefits of the study or qualification to you personally and professionally, your students’ learning outcomes, your school, and the education sector, and how you might share your learning.
Recent study
Outline the recent study or professional learning you have done in the last 3 years and how this links to the application
Personal statement
Write a statement that includes how this study helps to address any major disadvantages you have experienced because of distance or professional isolation, the socio-economic status of your school or community, or specific requirements of your school.
You will have a 250-word limit to answer each question. You will also need to provide generic employment information.
Secondary Teachers' Study Support Grant
A study support grant gives you a 4-hour time allowance per week so you can study or undertake research while continuing to teach. Each year, we offer 100 study support grants to fully registered secondary teachers in state or state-integrated schools.
Application period opening soon
Key study support grant information
- A 0.16 full-time teaching equivalent (FTTE) time allowance per week. This is added to your school’s staffing entitlement for use during the year. This works out at around 4 hours per week depending on how you and your school structure your leave.
- You can apply for a reimbursement of up to NZD$500 toward your course fees, once you have successfully finished your course.
- When a course has time requirements (for example, a block course) the time allowance can be used flexibly in agreement with your school.
To apply for a Secondary Teachers' Study Support Grant, you must:
- be employed under the Secondary Teachers’ Collective Agreement (STCA) or applicable individual employment agreement (IEA)
- be permanently appointed as a full or part-time teacher in a New Zealand state or state-integrated school
- hold a full and current practising certificate.
Study plan
You will need to give details about the qualification you are intending to work towards. This includes the:
- name of this qualification
- tertiary institution
- level of qualification (NZQA)
- paper code(s)
- paper title(s)
- credits/points
Written statement
Describe your proposed study, purpose of study award and how this furthers the Ministry of Education’s priorities in education.
Benefits of study
Outline the benefits of the study or qualification to you personally and professionally, your students’ learning outcomes, your school, and the education sector, and how you might share your learning.
Recent study
Outline the recent study or professional learning you have done in the last 3 years and how this links to the application
Personal statement
Write a statement that includes how this study helps to address any major disadvantages you have experienced because of distance or professional isolation, the socio-economic status of your school or community, or specific requirements of your school.
You will have a 250-word limit to answer each question. You will also need to provide generic employment information.
Contact us
If you have any questions, we’re here to help.
Email: teacher.studyawards@education.govt.nz
Freephone: 0800 165 225