Children working together
Children working together
Principals and schools

School Support Staff Collective Agreement Negotiation

Update on Collective Agreement negotiation for teacher aides, librarians, science technicians and administration staff
Children working together

March 2025 

The Ministry of Education has been negotiating with NZEI Te Riu Roa and E tū in good faith since late last year to agree pay and conditions for around 37,000 people working as support staff in state and state integrated schools. 

The negotiations for the School Support Staff Collective Agreement covers those working as teacher aides, librarians, science technicians and administration staff. 

Our offer includes:  

  • A one-off lump sum payment: $200 for all full-time employees, and $150 for all part-time employees. 
  • For those at the top of their pay scale without access to incremental progression and Grade A step 1 teacher aides: pay increases in 3 tranches over the 3-year term of the agreement of 1.25% in the first year and 1% in each of the following 2 years.  
  • For those with access to incremental progression: their pay will increase between 5 to 14% over the term of the agreement, which includes their existing annual progression.  
  • Increasing the motor vehicle allowance rate: from 62c to 83c per kilometre. 
  • Addressing job security concerns: by amending the hours variation clause and contacting schools regarding reviewing fixed term agreements 
  • Coverage for Guidance Counsellors: previously excluded from this agreement. 

For those with access to incremental progression: their pay will increase between 5 to 14% over the term of the agreement, which includes their existing annual progression.  

Hautū - Ohumahi Mātauranga | Deputy Secretary - Education Workforce, Anna Welanyk, said the offer put to the unions focused on lifting remuneration where it is most needed such as for teacher aides on the lowest pay rate. 

A copy of the offer is available here.

For more information on the Support Staff in Schools Collective Agreement
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