A teacher speaking and gesturing to their students in a classroom
A teacher speaking and gesturing to their students in a classroom
Principals and schools
Te Utu Tāpui Tukutanga Wā mō te Kaiako Hou

Beginning Teacher Time Allowance

If you employ beginning, overseas-trained or retrained teachers, you are entitled to staffing allowances
A teacher speaking and gesturing to their students in a classroom

Beginning Teacher Time Allowance

The Beginning Teacher Time Allowance is available to schools and kura who employ a beginning teacher. This time allowance enables you to release your beginning teacher so you can provide them with professional advice and guidance programmes.

Depending on the experience and employment situation of the beginning teacher, you can claim an additional staffing entitlement of between 0.1 and 0.2 full-time teaching equivalent (FTTE). This additional entitlement will be added to your staffing entitlement.

This allowance is usually used by schools and kura to fund a relief teacher to cover the beginning teacher’s class; however, your school board is responsible for determining how best to use the additional staffing entitlement. You can find more information and the application form on the webpage below.

Teacher specific staffing allowances – Ministry of Education 

Overseas Teacher Time Allowance

Overseas-trained teachers may qualify for either the Beginning Teacher Time Allowance, or the Overseas Teacher Time Allowance, depending on their situation. You can find more information and the application form on the webpage below.

Overseas teacher time allowance – Ministry of Education

Retrained Teacher Time Allowance 

Teachers who have completed, or are about to complete, a course of teacher retraining – for example, the Teacher Education Refresh programme – may qualify for the Retrained Teacher Time Allowance. You can find more information and the application form on the webpage below.

Retrained teacher time allowance – Ministry of Education

Contact us

For more information, contact the Resourcing Contact Centre:

Phone: (04) 463 8383 

