Bilingual Education Study Award
Improve your knowledge and proficiency in te reo Māori and tikanga Māori, and develop your skills as a bilingual or immersion teacher with a Bilingual Education Study Award
The Bilingual Education Study Award provides you, as a teacher or principal in early childhood, primary or secondary education, with an opportunity to improve your proficiency in te reo Māori me ōna tikanga Māori and develop their skills as a bilingual or immersion teacher.
Each year, we offer 24 full-time teacher equivalent awards (FTTE) study awards. The award provides you with:
- paid leave to study for one year
- a contribution of up to $2000 towards course fees.
You will receive your normal salary while on study leave. This includes permanent salary units and allowances. You need to check with your principal to see whether any fixed-term units and allowances will be paid while you are on leave. The study award funds relief costs to your school or ECE centre while you are on leave.
Application period opening soon
Key study award information
To apply for a Bilingual Education Study Award, you must:
- be fully registered as an early childhood, primary or secondary teacher
- be permanently employed in a kōhanga Reo, ngā puna kōhungahunga, puna reo, licensed ECE service or a state or state integrated school as a kaupapa Māori/Māori medium or bilingual teacher
- aspire to develop your proficiency in te reo Māori
- have teaching experience in immersion and bilingual settings
- be committed to developing your skills as a kaupapa Māori/Māori medium or bilingual teacher
- provide evidence in your application that you have the approval and support of your employer.
If you are employed part-time, you may still apply for a study award, if you meet the eligibility criteria. Your award will be pro-rated to your current full-time teaching equivalent (FTTE). Study leave can be used flexibly, so you will need to let your employer know how this affects your teaching time.
If your registration is subject to confirmation, you may apply if you will be fully registered by the December prior to starting your study. Please contact us if your registration status changes at any time.
If you are a Resource Teacher: Learning and Behaviour (RTLB), who works in a number of schools, please ask the principal or school board from your lead school to support your application.
You can apply to study more than one qualification in a year, eg complete your post-graduate qualification and start working towards your masters. You will need to provide information on both courses in your study plan.
You can change your course of study after submitting your application, but not substantially. You will need to notify us in writing with the reason for the change, which will have to be approved.
You cannot undertake a study award at the same time as being appointed to a Community of Learning/Kāhui Ako (cross community) teacher role.
Study plan
You will need to give details about the qualification you are intending to work towards. This includes the:
- name of this qualification
- tertiary institution
- level of qualification (NZQA)
- paper code(s)
- paper title(s)
- credits/points
Written statement
Describe your proposed study, purpose of study award and how this furthers the Ministry of Education’s priorities in education.
Benefits of study
Outline the benefits of the study or qualification to you personally and professionally, your students’ learning outcomes, your school, and the education sector, and how you might share your learning.
Recent study
Outline the recent study or professional learning you have done in the last 3 years and how this links to the application
Personal statement
Write a statement that includes how this study helps to address any major disadvantages you have experienced because of distance or professional isolation, the socio-economic status of your school or community, or specific requirements of your school.
You will have a 250-word limit to answer each question.
- Current percentage of time spent teaching in a reo Māori immersion classroom.
- Potential benefit to your learners from your study, particularly in te reo Māori and tikanga Māori.
- The quality of your application and study plan.
- Previous supported study leave, such as study awards, sabbaticals, fellowships or prestigious awards. A study support grant is not considered supported leave.
We give preference to applicants who have not had study leave in the last 5 years, although study to complete a qualification will be considered.
Contact us
If you have any questions, we’re here to help.
Email: teacher.studyawards@education.govt.nz
Freephone: 0800 165 225