Register for a Hui Whakamana
Get involved in the sector validation by attending an online hui for kaiako and tumuaki working in kaupapa Māori and Māori medium settings.Mō te Hui Whakamana | About the Hui Whakamana
Ko tā ngā Hui Whakamana, he whakahuihui i ngā kaiako me ngā tumuaki e mahi ana ki ngā kura kaupapa Māori, ngā kura ā-iwi, ngā puna reo, ngā rumaki reo Māori, ngā akomanga reorua, tae atu rā ki ngā kaiako reo Māori kei ngā kura auraki ki tētahi huiata kua whakaritea.
Kua tonoa ngā kaiako me ngā tumuaki kia tae mai ki tētahi o ngā huiata, ā, ka whakaarohia ai ngā haepapa kua hora i te wāhanga tuangahuru o te pūrongo GARs. Ko te hunga ka whai wāhi mai ka wāwāhingia ki tētahi rōpū, ā, tokowhā, tokorima rānei o rātou ki ia rōpū. Ko ā rātou mahi ā-rōpū, he tautohu i ngā haepapa kaupapa Māori kāore e kitea, ka mutu, he whakamana anō hoki i ngā haepapa e kitea ana.
Ka tū ngā huiata i te wiki tuarua ki te wiki tuaono o te wā whakawhitiwhiti kōrero. Ka tū ēnei hui hei muri i ngā hāora mahi o te rā, ka mutu, e rua hāora me te hāwhe te roa o ēnei hui.
The Hui Whakamana are an online consultation option for all kaiako and tumuaki working in kura kaupapa Māori, kura ā-Iwi, puna reo, Māori immersion and bi-lingual settings as well as te reo Māori kaiako | teachers in English medium settings.
Kaiako and tumuaki working in these settings are invited to the online hui to consider the responsibilities described in section 10 of the GARs Report. Participants in each hui will be assigned to a group of 4 to 5 to consider the kaupapa Māori responsibilities and identify any missing responsibilities.
The online hui will be offered from week 2 to week 6 of the consultation period. The hui will be held after usual work hours and are expected to take up to 2 ½ hours.
Rēhita mai | Register for a hui
Hei whakariterite i a tātou anō mō tēnei hui, he mea nui whakaharahara kia pānuitia e koe te katoa o te pūrongo GARs kia mārama kehokeho ai koe ki ngā kōrero o ia wāhanga. Ka oti i a koe te rēhita mai, ka tukuna ngā pārongo āwhina me ētahi atu o ngā āpitihanga kōrero ki a koe.
Pāwhiria tētahi o ngā paehono kia whai wāhi ki te hui e pai ana ki a koe.
To prepare for the hui, please read the GARs report, including section 10 so you are ready to contribute to the korero. Additional support material will be provided after you register.
Ngā rā me ngā wā kua whakaritea | Hui dates and times
Click on one of the links below to register for the hui that works for you.