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Education Workforce
Kia tū hei kaiako ki Aotearoa
Becoming a teacher in New Zealand
Becoming a teacher in New Zealand
Benefits, steps and pathways to becoming a teacher in New Zealand
Why become a teacher
Why become a teacher
Why become a teacher
Is teaching right for you?
Changing to a teaching career
Pathways to becoming a teacher
Pathways to becoming a teacher
Pathways to becoming a teacher
Study options to become a teacher
Kaupapa Māori and Māori medium
Work at school while you study
Finding a teaching job
Finding a teaching job
Finding a teaching job
Opportunities for beginning and returning teachers
Voluntary Bonding Schemes
Applying for teacher registration and certification
Overseas-trained teachers
Overseas-trained teachers
Overseas-trained teachers
Overseas Relocation Grant
Why teach in New Zealand?
Learn about our education sector
Get ready to move to New Zealand
Contact us
Become a teacher scholarships
Become a teacher scholarships
Become a teacher scholarships
TeachNZ scholarships
Te Huarau Scholarship
Te Tipu Whakarito Scholarship
Te Huawhiti Career-Changer Scholarship
Te Waka Whakarei Career-Changer Scholarship
Kupe Scholarship for Māori and Pacific high achievers
Ngā kaiako onāianei
Current teachers
Current teachers
Information for returning teachers and teacher awards
Sabbaticals, study awards and study grants
Sabbaticals, study awards and study grants
Sabbaticals, study awards and study grants
Primary Teachers’ Study Award
Primary Teachers' Sabbatical
Secondary Teachers' Study Award and Support Grant
Secondary Teachers' Sabbatical
Secondary Senior Managers' Sabbatical
Area School Teachers' Study Award and Support Grant
Area School Teachers' Sabbatical
Guidance Counsellor Training Study Award
Teachers' Kaupapa Māori/Māori-Medium Education Study Award
Teachers' Bilingual Education Study Award
Kindergarten Head Teachers' Sabbatical
Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Programme
Returning to teaching
Returning to teaching
Returning to teaching
Relief teaching
Returning to teaching after a break
Returning from overseas
Support with overseas relocation costs
Ngā Tumuaki me ngā Kura
Principals and schools
Principals and schools
Recruitment support and professional development for principals and staff
Initiatives for schools and kura
Initiatives for schools and kura
Initiatives for schools and kura
Workforce Initiative Searcher for Principals
Teacher demand and supply planning projections
Goldstar Programme overview
Local employment and recruitment support
Local employment and recruitment support
Local employment and recruitment support
Looking for a relief teacher
Beginning and returning teacher matching programme
Encouraging your community into teaching
Voluntary bonding initiatives
Employing someone on a Limited Authority to Teach
Kaupapa Māori | Māori Medium EBITE Programme Funding Award
Beginning Teacher Time Allowance
School Onsite Training Programme
Applying for a School Onsite Training Programme
Establishing an employment-based trainee teacher position
Overseas employment and recruitment support
Overseas employment and recruitment support
Overseas employment and recruitment support
How to recruit an overseas-trained teacher
Schools' finder's fee for recruiting teachers from overseas
Supporting your overseas-trained teachers
Professional development and support for principals
Professional development and support for principals
Professional development and support for principals
Leadership advisors
Principal Development Map
Sabbaticals and study awards for principals
Primary Principals' Study Award
Primary Principals' Sabbaticals
Secondary Principals' Sabbatical
Area School Principals' Sabbatical
Kaupapa Māori/Māori-Medium Education Study Award
Area School Principals' Te Rau Tītoki Leave
Bilingual Education Study Award
Schools payroll remediation
Schools payroll remediation
Schools payroll remediation
Schools payroll remediation overview
Payroll remediation for current school employees
Payroll remediation for former school employees
Holidays Act remediation
Two-hour minimum entitlement remediation
KiwiSaver remediation and compensation
Final pay remediation
Retirement Saving Scheme superannuation compensation
Collective Agreement negotiations
Collective Agreement negotiations
Collective Agreement negotiations
Collective Agreement negotiations overview
Kaiārahi i te Reo and Therapist Collective Agreement Negotiation
School Support Staff Collective Agreement Negotiation
School Caretakers, Cleaners, Canteen and Groundstaff Collective Agreement