A teacher and a student having a conversation in a classroom
A teacher and a student having a conversation in a classroom
Becoming a teacher in New Zealand
Te Karahipi Huri Aramahi o Te Waka Whakarei

Te Waka Whakarei Career-Changer Scholarship

If you want to change careers and follow your passion for te reo Māori, a Te Waka Whakarei Career-Changer Scholarship can financially support you on your journey
A teacher and a student having a conversation in a classroom

Each year, we offer 90 Te Waka Whakarei Career-Changer Scholarships to people looking to change their career and teach in Kaupapa Māori/Māori-medium settings or teach te reo Māori in English-medium secondary schools. The scholarship gives you financial support to offset the loss of income you experience while studying, and to reduce the barrier to becoming a qualified teacher.   

As a Te Waka Whakarei Career-Changer scholar you gain access to:

  • course fees to study an approved teaching course
  • an allowance of NZD$30,000 per year, over the period of your study (limited to 3 years).

If you're a te reo Māori speaker or aspire to grow your proficiency in te reo and tikanga, have a wealth of life experience, and want to become a kaiako, this could be the scholarship for you.

Application period currently closed

The application period for the 2024 Te Waka Whakarei Career-Changer Scholarship closed in February 2024. The application period for 2025 will open in September/October 2024.

Past scholar's story

Key scholarship information

Te Waka Whakarei Career-Changer Scholarship
Scholarship type
Career-changer – Kaupapa Māori/Māori medium and immersion
Application period
September – October 2024 (TBC)
NZD$30,000 per year
Scholarships available

Contact us

If you have any questions, we’re here to help.  


Freephone: 0800 165 225
