TeachNZ scholarships
Our TeachNZ scholarships can financially support you on your journey to becoming a great teacher
TeachNZ scholarships can cover the cost of your course fees and pay you an allowance while you study. If you are a student, graduate, or career-changer, and have the passion to teach, there are great scholarship options available to you.
View the documents in the popular resources section for information on applying and accepting scholarships, allowance fees and payments and scholarship bonding.
Past scholars’ stories
Hear about the difference a scholarship made to some of our past recipients.
[Natalia] A great kaiako can really set a course for your life. Because I wanted to work in Māori-language revitalisation I decided to become a kaiako.
[Janine] Because of what I'd experience. I knew I could be there for other people who needed someone to believe in them.
[Sharmain] My partner and I sent our tamariki to a primary school where they were taught in te reo Māori. But I had to immerse myself as well. I realised I could do that by becoming a teacher.
[Janine] I teach maths and te reo Māori. I began to discover my identity, my language and my history.
[Natalia] We had to work together to uplift kaupapa and tikanga Māori into everything we do.
[Janine] My students know my journey and I understand theirs. I know how important it is for them to understand their identity and to have a sense of purpose.
[Sharmain] Mā ngā akoranga ki roto i te reo Māori, ka whai hononga te reo ki roto i te whānau.
[Natalia] My whāinga for my tauira is that they are proud to be Māori. I've always believed that if I embody this, I will have succeeded as a kaiako.
Our scholarships
If you plan to enrol, or are already enrolled, on an approved initial teacher education course, you may be eligible for 1 of our 5 scholarships.
Popular Resources
Applying for a scholarship – guidance
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Accepting a scholarship – guidance
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Allowance and fee payments – guidance
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Scholarship bonding – guidance
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