Principals and schools

Teacher demand and supply planning projections

Learn about the annual projections of teacher supply at national and regional levels for the primary and secondary sectors

Planning projections overview

The Teacher Demand and Supply (TDS) Planning Projection is a forecasting tool that helps us understand teacher supply and demand, and plan for teacher supply needs under different supply scenarios. The (TDS) Planning Projection Report forecasts the number of teachers required by schools in the future (demand) and compares this with an estimate of how many teachers the schooling sector will have available to them (supply). 

Three supply scenarios are included (low, medium and high supply) and projections are made over a three-year period. Forecasts and data insights are created for the primary and secondary sectors at a national level. Regional supply trends and variations are available from 2024. 

The projections are used as an input into the Ministry’s advice on teacher supply and are available to schools to provide insight into demand and supply in their sector and region. Data used in the TDS is collected from multiple sources, and refinements to the data collection are made each year.

A downloadable document showing the latest data trends and variations at a national and regional level is available in the popular resources section of this page. The detailed report and previous years projections are available on the Education Counts website: 

Teacher Demand & Supply Planning Projection – Education Counts

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