A teacher in a classroom helping a student with their school work
A teacher in a classroom helping a student with their school work
Principals and schools
Te whakahau i tō hapori ki ngā mahi kaiako

Encouraging your community into teaching

Explore how you can support a member of your school community to begin a teaching career
A teacher in a classroom helping a student with their school work

As a principal and senior leader in your school or kura, you can play an important role in identifying future teachers and guiding them into teaching pathways. There may be a Limited Authority to Teach holder (LAT holder), teacher aide, learning assistant, librarian, parent, whānau member, or sports coach in your community who would make a great teacher.

You can support someone in your community to study to become a qualified teacher by:

  • making them aware of the different study options available to them
  • employing them in your school while they study
  • identifying the financial supports they could be eligible for such as scholarships.

Finding the right initial teacher education (ITE) programme

If you've found someone who will make a great teacher, you can now help them find a ITE programme that is right for them. People who want to stay within their community, need to study around work, have whānau or other commitments can find a programme which can accommodate their circumstances while studying to become a teacher. You can access the programme-finder tool in the popular resources section of this page.

The ITE programme-finder tool makes it easy to find an initial teacher education programme that suits their circumstances, as you can filter programmes by criteria, such as:

  • location
  • sector  
  • mode of delivery  
  • length of study  
  • full-time/part-time
  • language medium.  

If you have any questions, contact the provider directly through the ‘coordinator’ listed on the programme-finder tool.

Employing someone while they study 

You might also be consider supporting someone in your community by employing them in your school while they study. This could be on a Limited Authority to Teach, as a learning assistant, teacher aide, or another non-teaching role.  

You can use the ITE programme-finder tool to find out whether specific courses allow students to study while employed in a school. 

If you have any questions, contact the provider directly through the contact listed in the programme-finder tool. 

Initial teacher education programme-finder tool
(Best viewed on a desktop or laptop)
Programme-finder tool launch

Encourage applying for a TeachNZ scholarship

There are several TeachNZ scholarships available to future teachers. Current priorities for scholarship applicants include:

  • applicants planning to teach science, technology, or maths
  • applicants planning to teach in ECE or Secondary
  • applicants who are Māori, Pacific or planning to teach in bilingual or immersion settings
  • applicants from diverse ethnic backgrounds 

And applicants who are currently working in a school as a:

  • teacher aide
  • Limited Authority to Teach (LAT)
  • kaiāwhina
  • kaiārahi i te reo
Our TeachNZ scholarships can financially support you on your journey to becoming a great teacher
TeachNZ Scholarships