A teacher and their students sitting at a table and doing school work
A teacher and their students sitting at a table and doing school work
Becoming a teacher in New Zealand
Te kaupapa Māori me ngā kura arareo Māori

Kaupapa Māori and Māori medium

Discover how you can study to become a kaiako in kaupapa Māori and Māori-medium settings
A teacher and their students sitting at a table and doing school work

Do you have a passion to teach in kaupapa Māori and Māori-medium settings or as a reo Māori teacher? Are you passionate about te reo Māori revitalisation? You will be in high demand for your passion, language skills, knowledge of tikanga and mātauranga Māori.

Study options for kaupapa Māori and Māori medium 

There are options to study for a teaching qualification that is delivered in te reo Māori or reo rua (a combination of te reo Māori and English). 

Qualifications are underpinned by te ao Māori and mātauranga Māori and will support you on your journey to becoming a kaiako in bilingual or full immersion settings. Options for qualified kaiako span from early learning to secondary teaching.

Find an initial teacher education programme

Initial teacher education programmes and providers
Learn more about kaupapa Māori and Māori-medium programmes and providers using the Initial Teacher Education programme-finder tool. (Best viewed on a desktop or laptop)
Programme-finder tool launch

Work at school while you study

If you are employed in a kura with a Limited Authority to Teach (LAT), there are programmes that allow you to remain employed in your role and continue earning while you study to become a qualified kaiako.

Work at school while you study – Education Workforce

Teaching scholarships

We have scholarships to support you in your journey to becoming a kaiako in kaupapa Māori and Māori-medium settings. 

Current priorities for all scholarship recipients include those planning to teach in bilingual or immersion settings, and applicants who are already working in a school or kura as a Limited Authority to Teach (LAT), kaiāwhina and kaiārahi i te reo.

Te Tipu Whakarito Scholarship
This scholarship supports you financially in your journey to becoming a teacher and following your passion for te reo Māori
Te Tipu Whakarito Scholarship
Te Waka Whakarei Career-Changer Scholarship
This scholarship supports you financially to change your career and follow your passion for te reo Māori
Te Waka Whakarei Scholarship