A teacher in a wood technology class showing a wood technology project to their students
A teacher in a wood technology class showing a wood technology project to their students
Principals and schools
Te tuku mahi ki tētahi e whai Mana Whāiti ki te Whakaako

Employing someone on a Limited Authority to Teach

Learn more about employing someone on a Limited Authority to Teach (LAT)
A teacher in a wood technology class showing a wood technology project to their students

Limited Authority to Teach

A Limited Authority to Teach (LAT) enables schools and kura to employ people to teach in positions where there is a need for specialist skills or skills in short supply. A LAT is not a practising certificate and not used for permanent employment.

A LAT can be approved for a range of reasons. For example, you may identify someone in your community:

  • with te reo Māori language skills, and employ them on a LAT to teach in a kura
  • with experience in a trade, and employ them on a LAT in a school’s hard technology department
  • with a music qualification and employ them on a LAT in a school’s music department.
You can apply for the 3R National Fund using the online application form
Apply for the fund launch

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If you have any questions, we’re here to help. 


Phone: 0800 165 225
