Kaupapa Māori | Māori Medium EBITE Programme Funding Award
Learn about the funding award enabling those on a Limited Authority to Teach (LAT) to train as a kaiako in kaupapa Māori, and Māori medium education.
The Kaupapa Māori | Māori Medium Employment Based Initial Teacher Education (EBITE) programme funding award is a 2-year teacher training initiative designed specifically to address the critical shortage of qualified teachers in immersions settings and teaching te reo Māori as a subject.
It does this by enabling those working under a Limited Authority to Teach (LAT) teaching in immersion settings, and/or teaching te reo Māori as a subject to train as a teacher while employed in a school or kura.
School | kura staff who are in the process of becoming a LAT or renewing their LAT can also be included in a funding award application.
Both schools | kura and LAT trainee teachers benefit. LAT trainee teachers are funded into an approved EBITE programme and schools and kura are funded for release time and to mentor their LAT trainee teacher while they train.
Application period currently closed
Award details
Schools and kura can apply for a funding award of up to $79,680.95. The funding award is split into 2 parts, and over 2 years:
- A $10,000 award per year (total of $20,000) paid directly to the LAT trainee teacher towards EBITE programme and induction costs.
- Funding of up to $59,680.95 (GST excl) over 2 years to the school or kura for mentoring and release time.
There are up to 65 funding awards available. New cohorts start every two years. The first cohort will begin in 2025 and run to the end of 2026.
Funding award guidance and webinar
Read and hear about the funding award, obligations and what to consider and do before making an application.
[Delaraine Puhara]
[Kiri Batty]
Nau mai, haere mai, and welcome to this Employment Based Initial Teacher Education webinar. As we like to call it, the EBITE webinar.
This has been a real labour of love for the team.
Yes, it's been a labour of love for us over the last year to be able to bring this out to the sector. So here we go.
The Ministry has identified through data and sector engagements with Kaupapa Māori and Māori Medium kura there are a high number of limited authority to teach teachers are working in our Kaupapa Māori/Māori medium kura in comparison to our English medium schools.
So, this webinar is for kura and LAT teachers who are interested in an ITE pathway specifically designed for LAT’s currently working in these settings.
The hope is that by the end of this webinar is that you're provided with all the key information that you will need to help you make an informed decision. We will also outline the steps you'll need to take if you choose to apply.
As we go through the talking points, we ask that if you have any pātai, you just post it into the chat that Laken would have posted in already. Just with ‘He Pātai’ followed by your question, and this is just to make sure that we are able to track incoming questions and that they don't get lost in the chat.
And Laken and Raukura, who are sitting in as participants will answer as many of your questions through the chat as they can. Any unanswered questions by the end of the webinar will be collated and sent out to everyone who has registered to attend the webinar by the end of the working day on Friday.
You'll also find an EBITE e-mail address in the chat, and if you have any other questions after the webinar or just if there's a question that you'd prefer to ask privately, you can do it through that e-mail address.
There will also be a recording of this webinar that will be sent to everyone, and you'll just notice that your mics are muted just to help us as we move through the slides.
So these slides will cover five key areas. Each of these areas provides information that you'll need to make a decision about whether this pathway is the right choice for you.
So, there are other pathways such as scholarships and SOTP funding and this information is just to help you determine which pathway you think will work best for you.
So the EBITE funding model will outline what funding is available to the kura and to LAT teachers. The eligibility criteria will explain kind of all the non-negotiables that need to be met.
So, they're all our legislative and legal requirements within the funding model, the responsibilities and actions the kura and LAT teacher need to complete and agree to be eligible for funding is shared.
And hopefully the application process should give you good guidance to make the process smoother and easier for the kura and you as a let in the next steps will give you an indication of upcoming timelines and must dos and by when.
OK, the EBITE funding model provides money directly to the LAT teacher; the hope is to reduce the financial barriers, making it easier to enter and approved Kaupapa Māori/Maōri medium EBITE course and easier for your kura to release you for your course requirements. We call the people who deliver the approved programmes, the providers.
So each LAT will receive an $8,000 contribution to course fees and necessities as well as a $2,000 contribution toward attending Wānanga set by your provider. So, there's $10,000 each year, $20,000 over 2 years to the LAT kaiako.
There is a $4000 allowance paid to your kura and that allowance is for the teacher who is providing the LAT teacher who is training with mentoring support throughout the two-year programme.
And finally, the kura will receive funding for 60 days release in total. So, this includes the equivalent of one day a week during the term or specifically 0.2 full time teacher equivalent, and this is to release the LAT training teacher to do course requirements.
There's also funding for an extra 20 days your practicum release.
So, if the LAT trainee teacher needs to go and complete a placement at another kura, that those days will be covered with funding to allow them to participate without the kura losing funding for that. And they'll be discussed a little bit more in the webinar later on.
How the release time is used will be decided by your kura and provider together depending on the programme requirements.
And all the funding is aimed at growing the number of qualified teachers in our Kaupapa Māori and Māori Medium kura. And this requires a partnership mainly between the kura, the LAT’s and the EBITE providers and the Ministry provide the funding component.
Eligibility –so to be eligible to receive the funding award, there are a couple of things. So, the first one is that you are a state integrated kura and the funding award goes to support LAT teacher training.
So, it's someone who holds a current limited authority to teach with the Teaching Council and is employed as a LAT teacher in kura prior to applying for EBITE funding.
It's important to note that the LAT teacher needs to be employed by the kura before enrolling in an approved EBITE programme so that the salaries can be paid through the kura staffing entitlement.
Applicants – you can apply for as many scholarships as you want. So, some of you may have already applied for the Te Waka Whakarei scholarships or seen the School On Site Training Programme and now you might be looking at this pathway. You can apply for as many as you want, but you can only accept one.
So, you really need to think carefully about what best suits your needs and what ITE pathway you're going to be taking.
Other important areas to note is that the LAT teacher is enrolled or intending to enrol in an approved Kaupapa Māori/Māori medium EBITE programme as seen in this slide.
The key thing to note is it has to be an approved ITE provider delivering an EBITE programme because they do look different to some of the other ITE programmes available.
You need to make sure ass the LATS and the kura that you understand the entry requirements of your chosen EBITE provider because they will be slightly different and LAT teachers, your kura may have their own additional requirements as well.
Both the LAT and the kura need to be committed to the two-year programme and understand that the applicant will be expected to teach te reo Māori or through te reo Māori in a Kaupapa Māori or Māori medium setting for one year after becoming qualified.
[Cheynie Sisson]
So this section is all about the responsibilities of kura and LAT teachers. This is not only the responsibilities or considerations to have as a successful awardee, they're also quite important to keep in mind at the time of applying.
So, for successful schools and applying schools, you must provide a robust mentoring and support programme for your chosen LAT teacher or teachers.
Mentoring could look different across all kura depending on the unique needs of your kura or your LAT teacher, or based on your qualified registered Kaiako that will be in place to support mentoring.
Schools and kura must also ensure regular release time as Kiri mentioned earlier. 0.2 full time teacher equivalent or 8 hours a week for your LAT teacher to be released from the classroom to complete the EBITE course requirements.
Again as mentioned, how this is allocated may look different across all kura. It could be one release day a week or a couple of hours a day. It's really just at the discretion and agreement between the EBITE provider, the kura and LAT teacher.
It's also really important that kura understand their school role projections at the time of applying and for the two-year duration of the programme. This is to ensure that schools know and are confident that they can support a LAT teacher through the next two years.
This is to make sure that there aren't any anticipated role drops that could lead to reduction in staffing entitlements or ultimately affecting the LAT teachers participation in the programme.
So at least twice throughout the programme, the Ministry will conduct surveys with participating tumuaki, their mentors and LAT teachers to gather information about their experience in the programme, and any key successes or identified areas for improvement.
And this will help the Ministry to understand the effectiveness and impact of EBITE programmes.
And lastly, successful schools and kura must notify the Ministry if there are any changes to your LET teacher status during the programme. This includes employment or enrolment or anything really that could impact their eligibility to continue in the programme.
And these are the responsibilities of successful LAT teachers. So, for the duration of the programme, you must remain enrolled in an approved Kaupapa Māori/Māori Medium EBITE programme. As you know, currently there are only three.
You must understand and meet all criteria that are set out by your chosen ITE provider.
You must remain employed in an approved EBITE school or kura as a LAT teacher with current limited authority to teach by the Teaching Council.
Giving back to your kura - so, this bit is around bonding. You may have heard of the term before.
Bonding refers to an agreement with teacher trainees whereby they receive financial support or a scholarship and in return they must commit to working in a specific school, for example for a period of time after completing training.
So, this is not only a way to give back to the support that's provided, but also to kura. For this award specifically, you'll be required to teach in a Kura for 12 months after completing your training.
But there will be much more specific detail on these terms and the guidance which is on our website.
As I mentioned earlier, the Ministry will conduct surveys with participating LAT teachers and their kura to assist the programme.
And finally, you are responsible to keep your kura updated on your status in the programme, so that your kura can then keep the Ministry informed.
So those are all the responsibilities.
As I said, much more in depth detail will be provided in the guidelines.
And that leads us to the application process. So, it is so important that kura and LAT teachers read and understand the eligibility criteria and application guidance before submitting an application.
Schools can access the online application from our Education Workforce website from today and instructions on where to find the page will come at the end of this webinar.
The application itself will be completed and submitted by the kura, so not the LAT teacher. However, it will include the details of their chosen LAT teacher or teachers.
So, it is really important that schools receive consent by their LAT teacher before applying and it's important that their chosen LAT teachers know that their information will be used by the Ministry for the purpose of application assessment.
So once the Ministry has assessed all the applications schools and their LAT teachers who have applied will receive an outcome letter via e-mail. This will all be done on the same day, whether successful or unsuccessful.
To accept the award, the successful LAT teachers will need to sign an agreement and provide a certified copy of their bank account and how to get your bank account certified as all detailed in the application guidelines.
And at the same time, the Ministry will confirm LAT teacher enrolment with their chosen ITE provider.
So once that's all confirmed and the agreement is signed, then we'll process payments.
So schools will receive their payment for release time and mentoring through Pourato, which is the Ministry's resourcing system, and LAT teachers will be paid directly through their bank account for their contribution to course and wananga costs.
Alright application key dates.
So, applications are open today, they'll be open for three weeks and close on the 13th of November.
Applying schools and their LAT teachers will be notified of their outcome early December. So to access the application form, FAQs and guidelines, head on over to the Education Workforce website.
You'll want to go to principals and schools and select local employment and recruitment support and that is where you'll find our EBITE award.
I believe you can also use the search tool and type and employment based ITE funding award and it should show up.
I know this was probably a lot of information to take in, so if you have any patai or concerns that maybe haven't been answered in the chat, you can e-mail us directly on ebite.application@education.govt.nz
As Kiri said earlier, if there are any unanswered pātai in the chat by the end of this webinar, they'll be responded to and sent out to you all by the end of the day this coming Friday.
I'd also encourage all of you to read through the guidelines that are on the website. All of the information that you'll need to know will be in there.
Kapai, well, that's us. Before I pass over to Del to whakakapi, on behalf of the team, I just want to say thank you all so much for being here and we hope this information has been useful.
We are really, truly excited to see these programmes flourish. We're so excited to see prospective kaiako come through and receive a tohu and be part of the growth of Kaupapa Māori and Māori Medium education.
I just really quickly want to give a quick shout out to our three ITE providers, Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Takiura, and Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato. And of course, all who were part of the pilot programmes and have been there from the very beginning of development.
So huge, huge mihi from us to all for designing and delivering these programmes for prospective kaiako, all three programmes are underpinned by kaupapa Māori, tikanga and mātauranga Māori.
And we've seen firsthand just how much these key qualities contribute to the success of kaiako and the success of Kaupapa Māori/Māori medium education. Nō reira tēnā koutou. That's me, I'll pass over to Del.
[Delaraine Puhara]
To be eligible to apply for the funding award, schools | kura must:
- be state or state-integrated
- attest that they are capable of providing a robust mentoring and support programme (see school | kura obligations for ways to attest capability)
- employ at least one LAT trainee teacher who:
- is employed as a LAT teacher and receiving a salary from the school or kura prior to applying for the funding award
- holds a current LAT with the Teaching Council*
- is enrolled or intending to enrol in an approved EBITE programme
- support a LAT trainee teacher who will teach in an immersion setting or teaching te reo Māori as a subject
- has not received a TeachNZ scholarship, funding through the School’s Onsite Training Programme or funding through the Teach First NZ EBITE programme.
*LAT teachers in the process of applying for or renewing a LAT are also eligible for inclusion in a funding award application.
Funding award obligations
Both schools | kura and LAT trainee teachers must agree to meet obligations.
Obligations for schools | kura
Schools and kura lead the funding award application and have an obligation to ensure all LAT trainee teachers included in an application are prepared and committed to completing the EBITE programme.
This includes ensuring that the LAT trainee teacher(s) has given their permission to be included in the application and they understand their personal obligations.
Schools | kura applying for more than one LAT trainee teacher in their application, must complete their application in order of their candidate preference.
Schools | kura must also ensure that LAT trainee teaches are aware their personal information will be provided to the Ministry as part of the application process, and that it will be used to confirm ongoing eligibility for the funding award.
Schools and kura must evaluate their projected roles and ensure they have sufficient staffing while the LAT trainee teacher is participating in the EBITE programme, considering any potential changes or impacts to the school’s staffing and operations.
Please contact the EBITE applications team for guidance if you are concerned about meeting the eligibility criteria and completing an application if a school’s | kura ability to make an application is impacted by:
- the timing of staffing entitlements,
- your LAT employment agreement conditions (eg fixed term, not permanent staff),
- timing of making an application for a LAT with the Teaching Council or renewing a LAT
- other timing issues that may exclude legitimate applicants.
More information about obligations is detailed in the information document linked below (and in the popular resources section on this page)
EBITE Programme Funding Award: guidance for schools | kura
Obligations for LAT trainee teachers
If LAT trainee teachers are part of a successful application, they will be sent their own Funding Award terms and conditions and an agreement to sign.
Participating LAT trainee teachers must:
- Remain enrolled in an approved Kaupapa Māori | Māori Medium EBITE programme for the duration of the funding award period.
- Remain employed as a LAT teacher in an approved EBITE school for the duration of the programme.
- Hold a current LAT issued by the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand for the duration of the EBITE programme.
- Notify the Ministry of any changes to their status during the programme, such as withdrawal from training, leaving employment, or other circumstances affecting their eligibility of participation.
- Teach in a school | kura for 12 months after completing their EBITE programme.
- Agree, along with their principals | tumuaki and mentor teachers, to complete surveys at least twice during the programme. (This data will contribute to programme and operational reviews that guide future policy and operational decisions).
Approved EBITE programmes and ITE providers
LAT trainee teachers can only enrol in an approved EBITE programme. There are currently three ITE providers that have attained the appropriate level of approval to deliver an EBITE programme focused on Kaupapa Māori | Māori Medium education. The EBITE programmes are all Level 7 degree or graduate diplomas qualifications.
Deciding which ITE provider and programme is an important decision for schools | kura and their LAT trainee teachers.
We recommend reviewing all approved EBITE programmes* available before making a funding award application.
Kaupapa Māori and Māori Medium EBITE Programmes and Providers
*Information drawn from public sources, and accurate at the time of publication
Applications for the funding award are made by school and kura leaders and via an online application. Applications must be completed by the principal or a member of the leadership team of the school | kura. This is because schools | kura must attest they are able to meet the funding award obligations.
Please read the eligibility criteria and information documents for schools | kura before completing your application. You will be asked in the application form if you have read the information document.
You can include up to 10 LAT trainee teachers in one application.
The application must include the following details:
- School | kura applicant full name, position, contact number and email address.
- School | kura name and ID.
- LAT trainee teacher full name, email address, LAT number (if holding a current LAT), MOE number, and employment details, including Full Time Teacher Equivalent (FTTE) status during the programme, levels and subjects taught.
- Which EBITE programme is chosen.
It is important that schools | kura understand all eligibility criteria, their obligations and can ensure that their LAT trainee teacher(s) is fully aware and committed to completing the EBITE programme and consents to information being provided on their behalf.
Please contact the EBITE applications team for guidance about completing an application if your ability to make an application is impacted by your LAT employment agreement conditions (eg fixed term, not permanent staff). You may still be eligible to apply for a funding award.
We also recommend schools | kura completing and submitting the application in one sitting, as your changes may not be saved if you exit an incomplete application.
Contact us
If you have any questions about the EBITE programme funding award not covered in the funding award application guidelines or Q & A please get in touch, we’re here to help.
Popular Resources
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